UNIPROM - Bauxite mining
At the "Đurakov do 1" deposit, production was started in 1988, when the mine was owned by the state until 2016 when production was taken over by Uniprom-metal doo. From the start of production until today, a total of 1 million tons of red bauxite have been mined from the "Đurakov do 1" deposit.
The Turkish company Zeta-mine, which employs about 70 workers, is carrying out work on this deposit as a subcontractor.
Description of the bearing
"Đurakov do 1" has an area of 119,607 m2, while its thickness ranges from 2 to 64 m, i.e. 12.90 m on average. It has an elongated shape, and the direction of its extension is northwest-southeast. The length, along the extension axis, is 987m, and the width, perpendicular to this direction, ranges from 50 to 215m or an average of 132m.
Results of laboratory tests
Based on the obtained data, the average chemical content of the analyzed components in the deposit amounts to:
Al2O3 = 57.98%, SiO2 = 4.94%, CaO = 0.56%.
It can be concluded that this deposit is of high quality with a high content of Al2O3 as a useful component and a relatively low content of SiO2 as an undesirable component. The proportion of other components is within normal limits for this type of deposit. It should be emphasized that the quality of bauxite does not change significantly with the increase in the degree of exploration of the deposit, which speaks of the uniform content of the analyzed components.
The total mineral composition of both the main and secondary minerals in the red bauxite samples from this deposit is as follows:
boehmite – 64.24%; kaolinite -11.89%, hematite -19.18%; calcite – 2.54% and anatase – 2.88%.
Based on the mineral composition, the red bauxite of the "Đurakov do 1" deposit belongs to the boehmite type of bauxite. From the geochemical aspect, the red bauxite of the deposit "Đurakov do 1" is characterized by the presence of the following microelements (in ppm):
Pb-50, Ga-17, V-180, Cu-70, Y-30, Zn-90 Zr-200, Ni-80, Co-15, Sc-14, Cr-300, La-80, Sr-15 , Li-50, U-6,1, Th-42.

Working plateau Đurakov do 1 (entrance to the pit) - panoramic shot
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