Contact phone +382 (0) 20 230 690 Adresa br. 11, Podgorica

UNIPROM - Bauxite mining


Production at this deposit began in 1955 when the mine was owned by the state until 2016, when production was taken over by Uniprom-metal doo. From the start of production until today, a total of 5.5 million tons of red bauxite have been mined from the Biočki Stan deposit.
Description of the bearing
The area of the unexcavated part of the deposit is 176,676m2. The general direction of the deposit is to the northeast at an angle of 10° to 20°. The bauxite-bearing horizon is spatially located at an elevation of 1,535 m.a.s.l. (bauxite outcrop in the western part of the deposit) up to an elevation of 1,258 m.a.s.l. By far the largest part of the ore is located at a depth of 250 to 300m below the ground surface, which caused the underground method of mining this deposit.
The thickness of the bauxite layer is variable and ranges from 1 to 57 m.
Results of laboratory tests Based on the obtained data, the average chemical content of the analyzed components in the deposit amounts to: Al2O3 =58.69%; SiO2 =3.74%; Fe2O3 =20.84%; TiO2 =2.94%; CaO=0.68% and G.Ž.=12.76%.
The total mineral composition of both major and minor minerals in the examined samples of red bauxite from this deposit is as follows: boehmite 65.50%; kaolinite 9.31%; hematite 19.98%; calcite 2.20% and anatase 2.92%. According to its mineral composition, the red bauxite of the "Biočki stan" deposit belongs to the boehmite bauxite type. From the geochemical aspect, the red bauxite of the "Biočki stan" deposit is characterized by the presence of the following trace elements (in ppm):
Pb – 22; Ga – 40; V – 140; Cu – 35; y – 30; Zr - 200; Ni - 80; Co - 15; Sc – 14; Cr – 300; La – 80; Sr - 15; Lee – 55; U – 6 and Th – 44.

Seoca working plateau (entrance to the Biočki stan pit) - view from above

Seoca working plateau (entrance to Biočki stan pit) - panoramic shot