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Silumin factory in 2019.

In July 2019, the Prime Minister Duško Marković and the owner of Uniprom Veselin Pejović ceremoniously put into operation the Factory for the production of aluminum alloys in the form of small ingots in the Uniprom KAP complex. The total value of the investment was 15 million euros. The total production of 30,000 tons of special alloys is intended for the foreign market, which significantly increased the value of Montenegrin exports.
On that occasion, Prime Minister Duško Marković said: "When we toured the entire complex at the end of March, we saw that a new modern industrial c of our country is practically being developed here. KAP was accompanied by, I would say, a hysterical desire for this project to fail. But the new factory, from which a product can go directly to the halls of automobile or aircraft giants, defies sceptics and opponents of modern development. Every new product in Montenegro is a step towards a new workplace, and each new workplace strength and quality more on the way to the European quality of life of our citizens". institutional support.
"But for me, the resistance of Mr. Pejović and his team to destruction, propaganda and slander for the most mundane reasons is equally important and worthy of respect, to thwart the rise of KAP with domestic intelligence, energy and determination. That is why the Government's determination and plans to rapidly develop our economy we need more examples like this", said the Prime Minister opening the new Silumin factory.
The project of a new factory for the production of aluminium alloys in the form of small ingots is worth 11 million euros and implies the creation of dozens of new jobs. "The opening of up to 45 new jobs in industrial production. We have again begun to catch up with industrial production by the needs of our economy. We are aware that we cannot come out of the market competition with our heads held high unless we change our approach. Today we can take a step further." said the prime minister. The Prime Minister said that we should be encouraged by the fact that after decades of lagging, we changed the direction of movement in our industry and started to catch up again with industrial production in line with the needs of our economy.
"The modern path from a natural resource to a finished product is long and it is not rational to harbour ambitions that it can be completed within national frameworks. Not even much more powerful economies than ours can do that. But it is the duty of all of us to, at least in certain areas, such as the aluminium industry, we will cover as much of that road as possible by our forces. We are aware that we cannot emerge from the market competition with our heads held high unless we fundamentally change our approach, and not just outdated technologies. From today, with the new factory within Uniprom KAP, we can also take a step further" - said the Prime Minister at the opening of the Silumin factory.
The owner of KAP, Veselin Pejović, explains how they initially encountered the biggest crisis in the aluminium industry. "From the day Uniprom took over KAP and announced its business plan in its offer, we promised production of 100 thousand tons, exports of 300 million dollars per year, an increase in the number of jobs, as well as the technological improvement of old equipment, with special attention to environmental protection and meeting environmental standards. At the very beginning, we faced the biggest crisis of the aluminium industry in existence, as well as the increase in the prices of inputs necessary for production, starting with electricity, alumina, coke, resin... and all this in the mode of bankruptcy proceedings, which made the realization of planned investments even more difficult.
The bad reputation of KAP at the time, along with the misunderstanding of commercial banks, dilapidated equipment and work in the bankruptcy regime, did not prevent us from making our mark today on the map of the best five factories in Europe in this area. We took steps of seven miles towards the realization of what was promised and today we are witnessing the realization of the outlined plans" - pointed out Veselin Pejović, owner of the company Uniprom.
All the negative parameters in production, generated by the old way of working, which represented the poisoning of the environment, were reduced by 70% and today Uniprom KAP is the only factory in the Balkans that introduced natural liquid gas. The former black smoke coming out of the KAP chimney got its white colour thanks to advanced ecological technologies.
"I am glad that I can say with great pleasure that world brands from the field of metal production, from the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Germany, Austria and from other parts of the world appeared at the gates of Uniprom KAP and today they are here among you, so I especially welcome them. The arrival of foreign partners affirms our good vision and strategy, and their presence is the best confirmation that Uniprom's reputation, after the Lead and Zinc Mine in Pljevlje, the start of production in the Bauxite mine in Nikšić, has restored the name of KAP on the international market of aluminium production," said Pejović.